Chatham Island shags at Manukau Point Image: Tamzin Henderson

Support the Chatham Islands

Help us and our community to restore the Chatham Islands!

Donate now

Every donation you make goes towards resources we need to run the Trust, keep Predator Free Chathams going, and work with our local community. This includes things like buying and maintaining traps, buying trees for plantings, fencing, and the administration and coordination that makes the work hold together.

You can make a donation directly to our bank account and email to let us know.

  • Account Name: CI Landscape Restoration Trust
  • Account Number: 06-0851-0526713-50
  • Residential Address: 13 Waitangi Tuku Road, Chatham Islands 8016
  • SWIFT code/BIC: ANZBNZ22
  • Particulars: Surname, First Name
  • Reference: Donation

If you have any questions, please email us.

If you're based in Aotearoa, you may be eligible for a tax credit on donations over $5.


Island-Ocean Connection Challenge

The Chathams have joined the Island-Ocean Connection Challenge to protect and restore the Chatham Islands. We've pledged to remove introduced predators from Pitt Island and the northeast of Rēkohu/Wharekauri, and replant and protect areas on both islands. The cost - around $31 million - is more than our small community can fund by ourselves.

Help us with a donation, or get in touch if you've got other ideas for how you could support us.


Sponsor a trap 

Help us get our Predator Free Chathams trapping network established in the northeast. You can sponsor a trap or make a donation towards materials for setting up the network. Our trapping data will be available online so you can see what you're supporting.

Sponsor a trap


In-kind donations

Donating materials, goods, resources, services, or skills that we need is another way to help us carry out our work. If you or your business think you might be able to offer something, please get in touch with We'd love to chat with you about how we can work together!


Planting soft speargrass at Blind Jims.

Gift card

Give someone a unique gift that supports unique species and ecosystems! Make a donation on their behalf, and we'll send them an official gift card to let them know.

Just donate to our bank account (we ask a minimum of $5) using the reference "Gift card", then email us with your name, their name (and email), and any message you'd like to include.

A gift card featuring a pair of Chatham Island shags.


Charitable status

We're a registered Charitable Trust, listed in Aotearoa New Zealand's Charities Register. Our registration number is CC62287.

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please send us an email or Facebook message to let us know you're keen to help us!


  • Northern Bullers Mollymawk in button daisy Forty fours Chatham Islands Image Tui De Roy

    Island-Ocean Connection Challe...