Waterfall Tamzin Henderson 1

Monique Croon


Monique has been involved with the Trust’s work from the first meetings to kick-start our islands’ Predator Free journey. She is a ‘get things done’ kind of person, and sees the restoration of our whenua as essential for the wellbeing of the community and for living cultural values.

Monique brings a wealth of governance experience and a connection to the local community. She is the Chatham Islands Mayor, Deputy Chair for the Ngāti Mutunga o Wharekauri Iwi Trust, and Chair for the Chatham Islands Museum. She is actively involved in island life, including local sports, and helps her parents host tourist groups.

There are so many people both on- and off-island who have amazing skills, knowledge and experience. She sees it as the Trustees’ job to connect with those people and find the resources to restore the Chathams’ natural gifts.

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  • Conservation work at Blind Jims Image: Jess MacKenzie

    John Preece

  • Tāiko, close up Image: Dave Boyle

    Mike Bell