Restoring nature's gifts

The Chatham Islands: a land apart for people, plants and birds

Black robin on Mangere c. Enzo Reyes

Chatham Islands Landscape Restoration Trust

The Chathams are a land apart. Our fertile islands are surrounded by productive seas, 800 km from mainland Aotearoa New Zealand. Isolation and a wild climate led to the evolution of some exceptional plants and wildlife. Around 326 of those species are threatened or at risk - and some of those species are only found here. 

Our remote community also depends on the health of our islands for our livelihoods. These islands are who we are.

We're working to restore nature's gifts to our islands.

Too many of our precious natural ecosystems have been damaged or lost across the islands. Around 28% of the seabirds and 23% of terrestrial birds that call these islands home are threatened and at risk. Some of these birds, other animals, and plants face a real risk of extinction in the wild.

A healthy environment also supports a healthy community - especially on small, remote islands in the Pacific ocean.

Our Trust works with our community and others to help restore and protect natural spaces, for now and the future.

About our Trust


Predator Free Chathams is our flagship project, focused on eradicating key introduced predators from our two inhabited islands. Removing these predators will make a huge difference for our ecosystems and all the species that live there - including people. 

Predator Free Chathams 


We have a conservation-minded community involved in a wide range of conservation projects and initiatives. Our Trust aims to work with and support these projects as much as possible, which includes providing information and advice. If you're seeking advice on an environmental project, have a look at our resources page or get in touch with us.

Conservation in our community


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